Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April Sidewalk Dates

Pasadena--Friday, April 23
Monrovia--Saturday, April 24

Weather-permitting. Pasadena viewing is on Colorado, near DeLacey. Monrovia viewing is at the southeast corner of Library Park (northwest corner of Myrtle and Lime).

Venus *may* be visible from these sidewalk locations shortly after dark. It depends on the placement of trees and buildings. Mars is a bit west of overhead by dark, and rapidly fading in brightness and shrinking in size. Saturn is well up to the east, with rings still near edge-on but easily visible even in the smallest of telescopes. The moon will also be up in the southeast after dark.

Old Town Astronomers, www.otastro.org has more information. I only set up at their Pasadena location last month. Not sure if I'll try again.

The weather forecast for this week is somewhat iffy, at least until Saturday. Check their website or sign up for their e-mail list for updates.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

See Mercury!

Over the past few days (and for the next few days), take a look to the west, shortly after sunset. The bright "star" you see (the one that isn't an airplane!) is Venus. At the moment, it's not very interesting in a telescope because it's on the other side of the sun. But each night for the next few months, it'll get a little closer. In a few months, it'll be higher, brighter, and more interesting in a telescope.

If it's gotten darker (say, around 7:45 or 8:00pm), look down and to the right of Venus. That star will be Mercury. You can confirm its identity by noticing that it moves substantially from night to night. If you have a telescope, take a look at it. You can also confirm it's a planet by noting that it appears as a disc, not as a mere point of light.

These next few days place Mercury best for evening viewing all year. Don't miss it!