Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Venus in the Morning

As we approach the official end of summer, the days are getting shorter. I need to wake up at about 5:30 in the morning. As sunrise has been getting later, Venus has been getting more and more obvious with each passing day. It's high in the east, almost halfway up the sky by 5:45am. At the same time, Jupiter has been drifting further and further away from Venus. It's well over 2/3 of the way towards zenith by the time I look out my window. If I get to the window late, Jupiter may be invisible, but Venus is bright enough to be seen until around 6am, maybe longer, if I tried harder (I'm using in a rush getting ready for work around this time).

Sidewalk astronomy in Old Town Monrovia (corner of Myrtle and Lime) should be this Saturday, likely starting around 7:30pm and continuing for roughly two hours. Weather-permitting, of course. I won't be able to make this weekend personally, but I'm pretty confident the regular group will be there.