Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Astronomy Outreach This Weekend

I've got two events I'll be working this weekend. On Friday, April 27, I'll be helping out at St. Mark's Lutheran School in Hacienda Heights. It's a big event, with about a half-dozen telescopes and (hopefully) hundreds of eager viewers. It's mainly a school event, but if you lived in the area and want to take a look through a telescope, that wouldn't be a problem. They'll be selling food in their lower parking lot from about 6:30pm, with telescope viewing starting at dusk. Enter from their Sonnet Place entrance (east of Vallecito Drive), on the northwest side of the campus. Vallecito splits off and to the right from Turnbull Canyon Road (you'll feel like you're staying on the "main" road when you do this), and Turnbull splits off of Los Robles, which splits off of Seventh Avenue. Google maps will give you a view of where we're talking about. Meanwhile, on Saturday, April 28, it's the regular Monrovia sidewalk Saturday. Again, from dusk 'til 9:30pm or so. On both nights, we should get plenty of Venus, moon, Mars and Saturn viewing. We might be able to try for a few "deep sky" objects from St. Marks, though probably not until later in the evening (after the crowd thins out a bit). If you go to St. Mark's, make a point of buying some food down below. It's a fundraiser for them, and we like helping them out.