Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Beautiful Science, at the Huntington

"Beautiful Science," a new exhibit at the Huntington Library and Museum, opens on November 1. In celebration, some of the gang from the Old Town Astronomers will be manning solar telescopes throughout the day at the Huntington. If you’ve ever wanted a safe and close-up view of our nearest star, this could be your chance.

Many other opening day presentations and performances are also a part of this special day at the Huntingon. General information, including admission information for the Huntington, is available here.

1 comment:

SkyHiker said...

The Huntington is a nice place to spend some time, even if it's mostly just sitting around under a canopy, talking about astronomy. That's good, because the cloud cover meant we couldn't do any actual solar observing.

We got rained on pretty hard around 3pm, and got pretty soaked carrying our stuff off the grounds. Still lots of fun, though.